We specialize in complete water testing support.
All public drinking water results are reported as per EPA regulations.

Analytical Services Menu and Price List will be
updated and posted on April 1, 2025

Results Interpretation

Use the following resource to learn about the tests we do as well as how to interpret the results afterward.

View Results Table 

Chain of Custody

Chain of Custody new as of Oct 2022.


Price List

View our current price list for more information.

Price List - Jan 2023 

Updated flyer as of January 2023

Bridger Analytical Lab building - Bozeman, MT

About Bridger Analytical Lab, Inc.

Established in 2007, Bridger Analytical Lab provides independent, quality controlled, analytical services for both public and private domestic water testing. We are state and EPA-certified for our public drinking water analytes. Thus you can be assured that our results are correct and meet federal and state specifications. Our laboratory specializes in microbiological and inorganic analyses of water. We offer complete water testing support. We are proudly locally owned and operated out of Bozeman, Montana, with a new company President in February 2020.

For sample bottles and instructions, call 406.582.0822 or visit the lab just outside of Bozeman in Four Corners.

Business hours:

  • Mon - Thur, 8:30am to 5:00pm
  • Fri, 8:30am to 1:00pm
Get in Touch

Currently Montana State Certified for:









Trace Heavy metals (Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Uranium , and many more)


Inorganic Disinfectants (Bromide, Bromate, Chlorite, and Chlorate)


Below are the steps to test your water

  1. Pick up a sample bottle at the lab (7539 Pioneer Way Suite B) - See Map for directions
  2. Collect your water sample. Directions for collecting bacteria, Lead and Copper
  3. Fill out the Chain of Custody paperwork and return the sample bottles to the lab, within 24 hours if testing for bacteria, during business hours. If you are unable to drop it off during those times please call the lab to make arrangements.
  4. Prices for testing can be found here. If you do not see the test you are looking for please call the office and we can give you the price. Payment is due upon dropping off the water.
  5. Results will be emailed in PDF form. Depending on the analytes selected, bacteria and inorganic results are typically 2-3 business days, and metals are typically 2-5 business days (depending on the day you submit samples).

Business hours:

  • Mon - Thur, 8:30am to 5:00pm
  • Fri, 8:30am to 1:00pm
water test sampling


What we offer

water testing


Get your well or drinking water tested

result interpretation


We help you interpret the results of your water tests

water solutions


We will assist you in finding solutions to correct problems indentified through our test results

Bridger Analytical Lab Services

What Services does BAL offer?

CERTIFICATION: Bridger Analytical Lab, Inc. is certified by the State of Montana's Environmental Laboratory to analyze samples from public drinking water systems. The certification applies to the analysis of a variety of parameters. Our analysts are certified by the Montana Department of Health and Human Services to provide analysis of Microbiological contaminants. Our staff can recommend necessary testing for your particular well or drinking water, help you interpret the results of the testing, and assist you in finding solutions to correct problems indentified through our test results. All public drinking water results are reported as per EPA regulations.

RESULTS: Most routine water test results will be ready within 3-4 business days, however analysis of metals can take 2 weeks. Please call the lab for more information on specific tests.

Sampling instructions for Bacteria
Lead+ Copper
Well Educated Packet
Price List

Tests & Result Interpretation

Click here for your results interpretation tool
or check out our results interpretation table here




Can be naturally occurring, but often is associated with contamination from septic systems, animal corrals or feedlots, or runoff from fertilizers. The EPA has established a max contaminant level for Nitrate of 10 mg/L as N & for Nitrite of 1 mg/L as N. Nitrate levels above 10 mg/L as N may cause a condition called methemoglobinemia or "blue baby syndrome" in infants under 6 months.



Provides an estimate of the amount of minerals dissolved in the water - high conductivity indicates a large amount of dissolved minerals, which could adversely affect the quality of the water. Normal Range is 200-600 uS/cm.



Concentrations greater than 2.0 mg/L can produce florosis (mottling of the teeth) in children under the age of nine. EPA has set a drinking water limit for fluoride at 4 mg/L.



Indicates how acidic or basic the water is EPA recommends drinking water have a pH between 6.5 to 8.5 S.U.


Concentrations above 250 mg/L can have a laxative effect for those not used to drinking the water.



Due to calcium and magnesium. As a general rule, a value of below 60 mg/L is considered soft; from 60-120 mg/L is considered moderately hard; from 120-180 mg/L is considered hard; and values above 180 mg/L are considered very hard.



Iron can cause unpleasant taste, odor and can cause a reddish brown staining color. EPA recommends iron levels in drinking water be below 0.3 mg/L.


Total Coliform Bacteria/E. coli (fecal coliform) Total Coliform Bacteria are naturally present in the environment and are used as a indicator that other, possibly harmful bacteria may also be present. E. coli bacteria are an indication of human or animal fecal contamination. Presence requires treatment.

Iron Related Bacteria

IRB (Iron Related Bacteria)

More common than sulfur bacteria because iron is abundant in ground water. Iron levels above 0.3 mg/L may support the growth of iron bacteria, which may form a reddish brown or yellow slime that can coat well screens and clog plumbing. These bacteria may cause an odor simlar to fuel oil, cucumbers or sewage.

SRB (Sulfate Reducing Bacteria)

SRB (Sulfate Reducing Bacteria)

Break down sulfur compounds producing hydrogen sulfide gas in the process. Hydrogen sulfide gas is foul smelling and highly corrosive. The most obvious sign of a sulfur bacteria problem is the distinctive "rotten egg" odor of hydrogen sulfide gas, blackening of water or dark slime coating the inside of toilet tank may also indicate a sulfur bacteria problem.

Slyme Forming Bacteria

Slyme Forming Bacteria

Is the name given to bacteria that are able to produce copious amounts of slime. This slime can contribute to plugging, loss in efficiency of heat exchangers, clouding, taste and odor problems.

HPC (Heterotrophic Plate Count)

HPC (Heterotrophic Plate Count)

A procedure used to estimate the number of live heterotrophic bacteria that are present in a water sample. EPA guidelines recommend that HPC levels should not exceed 500 bacteria / ml. Results exceeding 500 bacteria /ml are an indicator of deteriorating water quality.




Arsenic occurs naturally in the Earth, especially around hot springs or geothermal sources, around glacial geologic deposits and around mined ores such as copper, gold and zinc. The EPA has set a drinking water standard for arsenic of 10 parts per billion (ppb) or 0.010 mg/L. The presence of arsenic over a long period of time may cause "chronic" effects to a person's health, such as skin problems, high blood pressure, circulatory system failure, diabetes, nervous system problems, low birth weight and certain types of cancers.



Copper is an essential nutrient in the human diet, but can be found in high concentrations with the corrosion of copper pipes. The EPA set the drinking water standard for copper at 1.3 mg/L. Concentrations of 1-2 mg/L can be detectable by a metallic taste. Copper can also cause a blue-green staining on fixtures. High concentrations of copper can cause vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps and nausea.



Lead can be naturally occurring, but most often comes from lead in the pipes or water fixtures in the plumbing. The EPA has set the drinking water standard for lead at 0.015 mg/L. Concentrations above this can cause kidney damage, high blood pressure and brain damage, with the effects being more severe in children.

CONTACT Bridger Analytical Lab, Inc.

Contact us and we'll get back to you within 48 hours.

7539 Pioneer Way Suite B
Bozeman, MT 59718

(406) 582-0822